ГДЗ по английскому языку 5 класс. activity book Кузовлев рабочая тетрадь | Страница 128

Тип:рабочая тетрадь

Страница 128

Поездка, в которую я бы хотел отправиться.

I have never been to London.

I’d like to go there because there are many beautiful sights, like Big Ben, The Tower of London, London Eye, The Houses of Parliament, The Tower Bridge and so on.

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I’ll go there with my family.

I want to stay at the cosy hotel.

I want to visit Big Ben and The Tower of London.

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I think I’ll travel to London next year.

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16. Мои самые яркие впечатления.

О фильмах.

I have seen many interesting films this year, but I liked The Hunger Games best of all. I saw it last month. It’s a great, action movie. I was speechless during the whole film. The main character was very brave and the actress Jennifer Lawrence played her role very well.

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