ГДЗ по английскому языку 5 класс. activity book Кузовлев рабочая тетрадь | Страница 37

Тип:рабочая тетрадь

Страница 37

4. Напишите это правильно. Какие у вас есть таланты? Напишите письмо своему другу и расскажите ему о своих талантах.

May 25

Dear Sasha,

I’d like to tell you about myself.

I can swim and ride a bike very well. I have gone to the swimming pool since 2011. I also go to the football pitch, where I play football. I like playing outdoor games.

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And what about you? Can you play football? How long have you played it?

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Урок 4

1. Грамматика. Что ребята из класса Пола сделали и не сделали? Составьте предложения.

1. Polly has just performed her ballet dance.

2. Ron hasn’t prepared his costume yet.

3. Have the children bought flowers yet?

4. Have the children invited people to the concert yet?

5. Andy has just finished the poster.

6. Jack has already brought a hat for his tricks.

7. The children haven’t decided what they will do next year yet.

2. Грамматика. Пит путешествует по Великобритании. Вот его планы.

Какие вопросы друг Пита задал ему? Что ответил Пит?

2. Have you bought some gifts yet? I haven’t bought them yet.

3. Have you watched animals in London Zoo yet? I have just watched them.

4. Have you sent a letter to your parents yet? I have already sent a letter to them.

5. Have you seen Nelson’s Column yet? I have just seen it.

6. Have you fed birds on Trafalgar Square yet? I haven’t fed them yet.

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