ГДЗ по английскому языку 5 класс. activity book Кузовлев рабочая тетрадь | Страница 85

Тип:рабочая тетрадь

Страница 85

5. Что вы напишете о себе?

1. I didn’t go to the park last Sunday. But I went to the countryside.

2. I went to school on Friday.

3. I was reading a book from 5 to 7 pm yesterday.

4. I haven’t done the test yet.

5. My family have lived in St Petersburg for 29 years.

6. On Sunday I went to my friend’s birthday party, too.

6. Ниже представлен дневник Пола. Что он сделал на этой неделе? Когда он это сделал?

Paul has been to the library this week. He went there on Tuesday. He was taking part in a poetry competition at 5.

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Paul has been to the stadium this week. He went there on Wednesday. He was watching a football match from 4 to 6.

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Paul has been to the horse club this week. He went there on Thursday. He was riding a horse from 5 to 6.

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Paul has been to the local hospital. He went there on Friday. He was reading books to little children from 4 to 5.

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