ГДЗ по английскому языку 9 класс. spotlight: workbook Ваулина рабочая тетрадь | Страница 23

Тип:рабочая тетрадь
Серия:Английский в фокусе

Страница 23

5. Завершите следующие предложения, используя слова too или enough и слова, данные в скобках.

1. sociable enough (достаточно общительны)

2. too ugly (слишком уродливо)
3. too noisy (слишком шумно)
4. clean enough (достаточно чистый)
5. modern enough (достаточно современное)
6. too old (слишком старый)

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6. Обведите ошибку – A или B, а затем исправьте её, как в образце.

1. B – to live (жить)
2. B – enough money (достаточно денег)
3. A – worrying (переживать)
4. B – suggest you help (предлагаю тебе помочь)
5. B – old enough (достаточно взрослая)
6. A – too tired (слишком устала)
7. A – to switch off (выключить)

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7. Как будет на английском:

to work on the space station

zero gravity

muscles go soft

lack of gravitation

to bump into the computer
in the airless space

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the bus stop locates on the corner of the street

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to make friends with somebody

to turn the lights off

to take something without permission

to clean a place (room)

to put somebody at risk

never get off the phone




ready to help – helpful


8. Переведите ситуации на английский:

1. I spent last summer at my grandparents’. Their cottage is located near small, quiet and beautiful town Myshkin on the Volga River. There’re six rooms in the house: three downstairs and three upstairs. Grandpa even has his own office with lots of books and a computer. The most interesting place in the house is the attic. There’re many things that remind me of my childhood. The next-door neighbours are very sociable and caring people, who help grandparents when we’re away. I used to spend every summer here during my childhood, so I have many friends. There’s a huge football pitch near the house where we played football a lot last summer. We certainly went camping, set tents and slept in sleeping bags. It was amazing! But I did not just enjoy my life. I had to do household chores: I vacuumed the whole house. My friends offered to help repair my room. We used the vacuum’s tube to whitewash it. What a wonderful summer!

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2. – Ann, I need to talk to you.

– Oh, what is wrong again?

– Look: the kitchen is such a mess. Can’t you tidy up after yourself?

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– I am busy working on the computer.

– Don’t forget you also have your household chores. I work from morning till evening, shop and cook dinner.

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– You’re right, mum. I’ll wash the dishes and tidy up in five minutes.

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– Great! Thanks!

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