ГДЗ по английскому языку 9 класс. spotlight: workbook Ваулина рабочая тетрадь | Страница 33

Тип:рабочая тетрадь
Серия:Английский в фокусе

Страница 33

5. Прочитайте текст и выберите правильный ответ.

1. Hit (врезался)

2. Had written (написал)

3. Called (назвал)

4. Had made (создали)

5. Believed (верили)

6. Was traveling (шёл)

7. Had been carrying (везли)

6. Отметьте галочкой верное предложение.

1. Sharon used to take the tube to work before she learnt to drive. (Шэрон ездила на метро на работу, пока не научилась водить машину.)

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2. Tom’s family lived in Paris before they moved to Prague. (Семья Тома жила в Париже до того, как они переехали в Прагу.)

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3. Simon was reading many books when he was a child. (Саймон читал много книг, когда был ребёнком.)

4. After Gregory had worked out in the gym, he went back home. (После того, как Грегори позанимался в зале, он пошёл обратно домой.)

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5. Scott used to be very shy when he was younger. (Скотт был очень стеснительным, когда был моложе.)


7. Как это будет переводиться на английский язык:

extinct animal species

a violent whirlpool

recorded sightings of a monster

human footprints

to have a dream (nightmare)

living in a fantasy world

an oil painting

in the background of the picture

to come across sth

in search of sth

draw a bright/grim picture incident

dull colors.

8. Переведите ситуации на английский язык.

1. There are many legends about mysterious monsters. People from different parts of the world report sightings of them. Some of them see Bigfoot, Yeti, 2-2.5 meters tall, with a human head, short neck and long arms. In 1966, they talked about Mothman, a man-sized brown creature with huge wings like those of a moth. Several eyewitnesses saw it fly over the city of Charleston. Scientists doubt that these creatures are real because, unfortunately, neither their traces nor remains (skeletons) have been found.

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2. V. I. Surikov painted the painting “Boyarinya Morozova” in 1887, remembering his childhood in Siberia. In the foreground we see a woman in Russian national dress of the 17th century, reclining on a sleigh. This is Theodosia Morozova. She encourages everyone to fight for the faith. In the background we see a winter countryside landscape, snow and a crowd of people. Colors are natural, mostly blue, white and black. The contrast makes the picture very realistic.

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