ГДЗ по английскому языку 9 класс. spotlight: workbook Ваулина рабочая тетрадь | Страница 53

Тип:рабочая тетрадь
Серия:Английский в фокусе

Страница 53

5. Подчеркните ошибки и исправьте их, как в образце.

1. to do do (сделал)
2. seeing see (посмотрю)
3. from to

4. watching to watch (смотреть)
5. listen listening (прослушиванию)
6. to wait wait (ждать)

6. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. C – much more (намного)
2. B – most (самая)
3. A – exciting (увлекательно)
4. A – much hotter (намного горячее)
5. B – absolutely (совершенно)
6. A – more and more (более и более)
7. B – (by) far (к настоящему моменту)

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УГОЛОК ПЕРЕВОДЧИКА 7. Как будет на английском:

to remain anonymous

learning difficulties

private property

to colour black and white pictures

to design a house

to draw a portray of a famous sculptor

the second verse of a song

to hum a popular tune

a movie with stunts and special effects

to be a box office success

to be in the spotlight

to face the music

to bump into a friend

8. Переведите ситуации на английский:

1. The art of miniature is as ancient as a human civilization. The gift to work in this area is given to a few. The Russian Levsha from Leskov’s tale, who managed to shoe a flea, is famous all over the world. These days there are masters in Russia who keep in their collections a real shoed flea. It became classical. There are seven masters of this kind in Russia. Anatoly Konenko from Siberian Omsk is among them. One of his works is the tiniest book in the world which size is 0,9 mm. It has been registered in the Guinness World Records. Portrays of famous people depicted on the rise grains are remarkable. It takes three months to create such a miniature, an artist’s tool is a hair from a butterfly wing. Visitors of his exhibition “Miracles under a microscope” are impressed by a lot of unique pieces of art. For example, the tiniest balalaika (the exact copy of a real one) in a case of poppy grain, a violin 6 mm long and a chess board 6x6 mm with figures 0,6-1,8 mm. Anatoly Konenko is a world famous artist. His exhibits impress viewers not only in Russia but in Europe, Asia and America.

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2. Graffiti is a street art which changed the facade of the streets in the end of the 20th century. Its history started in the New York subway. Nowadays you can observe bright and original graffiti works on the streets of cities all over the world. But even today there are different opinions: “Graffiti is a vandalism” and “Every work in graffiti is a valuable piece of art”. What do you think?

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