ГДЗ по английскому языку 9 класс. spotlight: workbook Ваулина рабочая тетрадь | Страница 73

Тип:рабочая тетрадь
Серия:Английский в фокусе

Страница 73

5. Перепишите второе предложение, чтобы оно означало то же самое, что и первое. Используйте от 2 до 5 слов, включая выделенное жирным шрифтом слово. 1. were not afraid of lifts (не боялась лифтов) 2. did not have (не имел) 3. had not missed (не пропустили) 4. unless you leave (если только ты не выйдешь) 5. had stopped at the (остановился на) 6. Выберите правильный вариант. 1. may (может) 2. can (могу) 3. shouldn’t (не следует) 4. must (должны) 5. need to (нужно) 6. can’t (не могу)

УГОЛОК ПЕРЕВОДЧИКА 7. Как будет на английском:

enclosed space

a fear of heights

to scream loudly

to avoid flights

to be over the moon

to be green with envy

to go bright red

to fight the fear of darkness

human emotions

to call the mountain rescue team

to make a false call

hold on the line!

to cut down on fatty food

to lose weight

to go on a diet

to join a gym

common sense

meat products

to keep off the wet floor

8. Переведите ситуации на английский:

1. Every phobia is characterized by fear attack. Fear makes our brain react and send signals which activate our nervous system. As a result, the whole body starts shaking and intensively sweating and the heart starts beating faster. Sometimes fear helps us to survive as it gives a signal “to run” or “to be ready to fight”. Everyone among us has ever experienced some fear when legs become soft, you shake like a leaf or start screaming. Of course, fear is unhealthy. That is why you should fight your phobias. It is necessary to find out the reason of your fears. It will help to understand their irrationality. And if you find yourself in the same situation next time, you will be able to face it. Gradually, fears will go away. My sister was terribly afraid of spiders when she was a kid. When she noticed one she screamed so loudly that she frightened all the people around her. If her friends hadn’t teased her and she hadn’t felt awkward after that, she would have never overcame her phobia.

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2. If you want to lose weight, there is no need to starve. Practice every day in a gym and cut off caloric food and replace it with nutritious products. If you go on an extreme diet, it may harm your body. Diet should be balanced and physical activity should become a useful habit.

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