ГДЗ по английскому языку 9 класс. spotlight: workbook Ваулина рабочая тетрадь | Страница 83

Тип:рабочая тетрадь
Серия:Английский в фокусе

Страница 83

4. Вставьте в пробелы слова some, any, every, no и их производные.

1. Someone (Кто-то)
2. anything (ничего)
3. nothing (like) (совсем не такой как)
4. anyone (никого)
5. everywhere (повсюду)
6. something (что-то)
7. everything (всё)

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5. Сопоставьте предложения с подходящим разделительным вопросом.

1. e – Он в порядке, не так ли?
2. f – Передашь мне ту кисть, хорошо?
3. b – Ты полил растения, не так ли?
4. a – Здесь недостаточно стульев, не так ли?
5. d – Он позвонил врачу, не так ли?
6. g – Ты сможешь сделать это, верно?
7. h – Пойдем в художественную галерею, хорошо?
8. c – Поезд еще не прибыл, не так ли?

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6. Подчеркните правильный вариант.

1. not to leave (не уйдем)
2. doesn’t it (не так ли)
3. to be (быть)
4. asked (спросила)
5. everywhere (везде)
6. would perform (выступят)
7. shall we (хорошо)
8. nothing (ничего)

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УГОЛОК ПЕРЕВОДЧИКА 7. Как будет на английском:

to call for help

to protect yourself

to survive in the jungle on a remote island

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an antiseptic cream

to put a bandage

first aid kit

to splint a leg

an extremely dangerous sport

traumatic brain injury – TBI (черепно-мозговая травма - ЧМТ)

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to take the bull by the horns

to have a bee in one’s bonnet

to let the cat out of the bag

8. Переведите ситуации на английский:

The Paralympic games are becoming more and more popular. Thousands of sportsmen who refused to give up and are ready to challenge their fate take part in them. Their positive attitude to life encourages many. People who have become disabled for different reasons understand that their lives can be interesting and meaningful. Life itself is an absolute miracle. A lot of paralympic sportsmen had faced terrible experience before they realized that. Alexey Ashtapov was already a famous athlete when he lost his leg in an accident in 2002. He carried on to play sports and won several competitions first in volleyball then in disc throwing.

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Olesya Vladykina, who won the swimming tournament in the Beijing Olympics, overcame herself. One year before the Olympics Thailand’s tourist bus rolled over. She was in that bus. Olesya survived that accident but she lost her arm and suffered a severe back injury. Most people would have fallen into depression after such a tragedy but Olesya impressed everyone with her courage. She didn’t waste time on self-pity and stated training hard. Surprisingly, disability awakened her hidden powers. As a result, Olympic golden medal! Olesya believes that only extreme moments allow you to use your potential. Her motto is “Never give up!” We should write more about people like her and do everything possible to ensure they do not feel disabled even in a wheelchair.

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