ГДЗ по английскому языку 9 класс. spotlight: workbook Ваулина рабочая тетрадь | Страница 43

Тип:рабочая тетрадь
Серия:Английский в фокусе

Страница 43

5. Завершите второе предложение так, чтобы оно означало то же, что и первое. Используйте от двух до пяти слов, включая выделенное жирным слово.

1. is so amazing that (такая потрясающая, что)
2. such an old computer (настолько старый компьютер)
3. so many gadgets (так много гаджетов)
4. so good at fixing (так хорош в починке)
5. are such convenient devices (такие удобные устройства)

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6. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. A – (she) will be having ((у неё) будет)
2. B – so that (чтобы)
3. C – as soon as (как только)
4. A – such a (такая)
5. B – go (пойдем)
6. A – will have started (начнется)

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УГОЛОК ПЕРЕВОДЧИКА 7. Как будет на английском:

to share different opinion on something

to perform a tack

to make decisions

to solve a problem

artificial intellect

a frozen screen

to connect to the Internet

to pay for the Internet connection

to download music

the printer has run out of ink

to save a document

the hard disk is full

to delete a file

an anti-virus software

to surf the Internet

an access to the Internet

to get e-mails

to break down

to do a full scan with an anti-virus software

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to carry out orders

a viewer

to become outdated

8. Переведите ситуации на английский:

1. Robots are coming! You can think this way if you watch movies “RoboCop”, “Artificial intelligence”, “I, Robot” and others. Robots have been existing in our imagination for more than a century. Not it’s a reality. Robotic dogs that walk and react to sound has been invented. There are robots to help with the household. They can vacuum rooms, but perform only one task. It’s hard to invent a robot that can cater for all our needs. Robots in movies are capable of feeling and loving. However, scientists haven’t created a robot with a human behaviour yet. It’s impossible to solve the problem of giving a robot intelligence, mind and feelings. But who knows? Maybe in a hundred years we’ll have robots doing all the housework, robots pets (instead of real cats and dogs) and robots friends.

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2. Technological progress has made our life happy and creative. It’s hard to imagine ourselves without the Internet now. We receive information, read news, check weather forecast and send letters. The Internet has connected us all together. We make new friends and communicate with old ones more often. Online education has become popular. It gives everyone an access to various libraries and modern technologies.

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