ГДЗ по английскому языку 8 класс. spotlight: workbook Ваулина рабочая тетрадь | Страница 42

Тип:рабочая тетрадь
Серия:Английский в фокусе

Страница 42


1. Перепишите предложения в пассиве.

1. This fax should be sent right away.

2. Who was the music for West Side Story written by?

3. Were DVDs invented in 1970?

4. A new jewelry collection will be designed by Leetal Kalmanson.

5. The new theatre will be opened by the Mayor on Thursday.

6. He was named after his grandfather.

7. Her book will be translated into Russian.

8. Coffee is grown in Brazil.

2. Запишите вопросы и ответы в пассиве, как показано в примере.

2-e, 3-a, 4-b, 5-d

2. When was the Leaning Tower of Pisa completed?

The Leaning Tower of Pisa was completed in the 14th century.

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3. Where was the Eiffel Tower constructed?

The Eiffel Tower was constructed in France.

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4. Who were the Sherlock Holmes stories written by?

The Sherlock Holmes stories were written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

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5. Where were the 2004 Summer Olympics held?

The 2004 Summer Olympics were held in Athens, Greece.

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3. Перепишите заголовки газет, как показано в примере. Используйте пассив.

2. The Philippines were hit by an earthquake during the night.

3. A famous singer was taken to hospital.

4. The armed robbers still have not been caught.

5. Money is being raised for a baby’s operation in the US.

4. Соедините утверждения 1-5 с ответами a-e и заполните пропуски каузативной формой глаголов в скобочках.

1-с, 2-e, 3-d, 4-a, 5-b

a. have it checked

b. are having it fixed

c. had them taken

d. has been having his car serviced

e. is having her hair dyed

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