ГДЗ по английскому языку 8 класс. spotlight: workbook Ваулина рабочая тетрадь | Страница 43

Тип:рабочая тетрадь
Серия:Английский в фокусе

Страница 43

5. Перепишите предложения, используя too/enough, как показано в примере.

2. Angela didn’t swim fast enough to win the race.

3. It’s too cold to play outside today.

4. Wendy is too tired to continue working.

5. They have saved enough money to go on holiday.

6. Используйте картинки и идеи, чтобы составить предложения, используя too/enough, как показано в примере.

2. They have enough money to buy a motorbike.

3. The jacket is too big for him to wear.

4. Sean didn’t leave home early enough to catch the bus.

7. Переведите на английский язык.

straight/crooked nose, curly/straight hair, thin eyebrows, wide/narrow shoulders, to go on a balanced diet, to get rid of extra kilograms, to look slimmer and taller, to go in for fitness, to do not pay attention to hurtful remarks, to try on shoes and see if they fit, a checked shirt, to have a good taste in clothes, a trend leather outfit.

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8. Переведите ситуации на английский язык.

1. A twelve-years-old charming girl is sitting at the table. There are some fresh fruit on the plate in front of her. She looks very alive and natural. The girl is staring at us. Her hair is dark and short, and she has got big brown eyes. There is a magical spark in them. Her glance is very expressive. She is lit by the morning light flowing from the window behind her. There are some energy and impatience in her pose. Her lips are pressed in a serious expression but it feels like she can smile in any moment. Her pink bright blouse is the colour of freshness and youth. Do you know who she is? -You are right, it’s the world famous painting called “The Girl with the peaches”. The portrait of Vera Morozova, a daughter of the Moscow arts lover and merchant Savva Morozov, was painted by the Great Russian artist Valentin Serov in 1887. This painting is called the poetical image of a childhood’s beauty.

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2. – How do you like this T-shirt?

– I think it doesn’t suit you. It’s too big. You should ask for a smaller size.

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– Do you like this one?

– It’s perfect. And I like the colour. I think bright colours suit you. It will match the jeans you have bought.

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– I like them, they are very comfortable.

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– And they look very trendy. Hold on a minute. I’d like to try this checked jacket on.

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– Why? I like your old one, it is so stylish.

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– My old one doesn’t fit me anymore. It’s too small or may be it’s me, who have gained some extra kilos.

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