ГДЗ по английскому шестой класс. spotlight 6: workbook Ваулина рабочая тетрадь | Страница 22

Тип:рабочая тетрадь
Серия:Английский в фокусе

Страница 22

5. Прочитайте брошюру и закончите предложения, вставляя can/can’t.

1. can

2. can’t

3. can’t

4. can’t

5. can

6. Перепишите предложения в отрицательной форме. Замените слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом, на местоимения, как показано в примере.

2. Don’t look at her.

3. Don’t eat it.

4. Don’t listen to them.

5. Don’t make a sandwich for him.

7. a) Переведите на английский язык.

Traffic signs, a zebra crossing, to walk on the pavement, to wear seat belts, to check the brakes, safety regulations, to sail a motorboat, to be careful on the roads, my brother’s funny nickname, a red double-decker bus.

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b) Переведите на английский язык. Не забывайте о предлогах.

to travel by car, to ride a bike, to travel on a bus, children under 12 years old, to go on foot, to arrive by the 6 o’clock train, to get out of the car, to drive at 100 kph, to get to the hotel, to take the first turning on the right, means of transport.

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8. a) Переведите на английский язык.

1. Don’t talk to the bus driver.

2. In England, when you cross the street you should look right and then left.

3. You can’t park here. The parking zone is behind the corner.

4. Stop at the traffic lights! When the lights turn green, cross the street and turn left to the bus stop.

5. Can I turn right here? - Look at the sign: you can go only straight.

6. Can your brother drive? - Yes, he has got a driving license.

b) Переведите диалог.

- Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest underground?

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- Go straight up to the traffic lights, then cross the street and turn right.

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- Is it far from here?

- No, it’s just a five-minute walk.

- Thank you.

- You’re welcome.

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