ГДЗ по английскому шестой класс. spotlight 6: workbook Ваулина рабочая тетрадь | Страница 46

Тип:рабочая тетрадь
Серия:Английский в фокусе

Страница 46

6. Выберите верный вариант ответа.

1. twice a week

2. live

3. saw

4. left

5. do

6. are trying

7. did

8. study

9. did

10. aren’t

7. Ответьте на вопросы про себя.

1. I helped my parents around the house last weekend.

2. I learnt to read when I was five.

3. Last summer, I travelled to Spain.

4. I was with my friend at my place yesterday afternoon.

5. I ate a bowl of soup for lunch yesterday.

6. My first English teacher was Irina Ivanovna.

7. When I was five, my favourite toy was a Teddy Bear.

8. I watched a soap opera on TV last weekend.

8. a) Переведите на английский язык:

I’m bored, crowded/busy streets, a quiet place, a modern hotel, to spend free time, to get an idea, to feel miserable, to look puzzled.

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b) Переведите на английский язык. Не забывайте про предлоги.

To work in the mine, to move to another city, to travel by train/car, to introduce oneself, to talk about fantastic castles, at the age of ten, to travel to Hollywood, to create a character, in the past, the symbol of American dream.

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9. a) Переведите ситуации на английский язык.

We saw a big house with a garden. The house looked empty. There were beautiful flowers in the abandoned garden. The garden looked amazing. But we were scared. We could meet a ghost. It was late. We were tired and decided to knock at the door of the house. Suddenly the door opened. We saw a helpless old man. He introduced himself as “Mr. Green”. Mr. Green suggested us to come in. We wanted to help him to cook a dinner.

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b) Last Saturday my friend Ann suggested going to the cinema. We met at the bus stop and went to the city center. We liked the movie. Then we went to the Ann’s place. We drank tea with sweets and cakes. We had a good time. On Sunday, I read and watched TV. I had no classes on that day.

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b) Переведите диалог:

- Hello, Andrey. Where were you yesterday? I wanted to suggest going to the computer club, but I couldn’t find you.

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- Hi! Ann had a birthday party yesterday. She invited me. We were having fun.

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- What did you give her as a present?

- Sweets and flowers. Ann is fond of chocolate sweets. What did you do? Did you go to the cinema?

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- No, I didn’t. I didn’t find you and I was watching TV the whole evening. Would you like going to the computer club tomorrow?

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- I’d like to. Let’s meet after school.

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