IV. Письмо
Эмили Хенсон написала письмо в одну из детских газет. Ее письмо о профессии ее мамы, которую Эмили считает очень интересной. Она тоже хочет стать бухгалтером.
Добавить текст Вернуть оригиналЧто вы обо всем этом думаете? Напишите письмо в газету (50 слов).
Dear authors of the children’s newspaper,
Добавить текст Вернуть оригиналI’d like to write some words about Emily Henson’s letter.
Добавить текст Вернуть оригиналIn my opinion, it’s great when children like to follow into their parents’ steps. Emily wants to be an accountant like her mother does. She says that she finds this job very interesting. I think she should ask her mother more questions about this profession. She should know that she will have to deal with numbers and money. She must be polite, intelligent and smart. An accountant is very useful profession and it has always been popular among people. I think that if Emily is interested in Maths, she will gain a success in this job.
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V. Cultural Awareness
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