Решебник по английскому языку 6 класс. activity book Кузовлев рабочая тетрадь | Страница 124

Тип:рабочая тетрадь

Страница 124

5. Мой адрес.

My address is Russia, Saint Petersburg, Leninskiy Prospekt 147 flat 44.

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6. Как я помогаю по дому.

I often help a lot about the house.

I usually sweep the floor and wash the dishes.

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I sometimes water the flowers and walk the dog.

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I like making my bed.

But I don’t like washing up.

7. Что у нас есть в холодильнике.

This is our refrigerator.

It is a bowl of soup and a bowl of salad.

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There are some cheese, chicken, eggs, vegetables and fruit in it.

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There are a few potatoes and a lot of cucumbers.

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We also have some milk and yoghurt.

We haven’t got any chocolate bars. That’s too bad.

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But there are some products I like a lot.

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Here they are: beef, tomatoes, cola and apple juice.

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8. Рецепт моего любимого блюда.

My favourite dish is an apple pie.

To cook an apple pie you need:

a) Some milk b) 2 eggs c) A little flour d) 3 apples e) Much sugar f) A little olive oil.

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I like an apple pie a lot. It tastes delicious.

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