ГДЗ по английскому языку 6 класс. activity book Кузовлев рабочая тетрадь | Страница 34

Тип:рабочая тетрадь

Страница 34

4. Великий Волшебник Оз в книге «Чудесная Страна Оз» автора Лаймена Фрэнка Баума, жил во Дворце Оз.

Постарайтесь представить Дворец и его убранства, опишите его. Используйте слова из рамочки или любые другие.

There were comfortable rooms there. There was a wonderful living room, a cosy dining room and a lot of rooms for visitors with mirrors, pictures and lamps. There was a big beautiful garden near the palace. In the living room, there was a comfortable sofa and a lot of carpets. In the dining room, there were tables and chairs. The rooms for visitors were cosy. There were also central heating, running water - all modern conveniences in the Palace.

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Урок 3-4

1. Закончите таблицу, записывая три формы глаголов.

Clean, cleaned, cleaned

Bring, brought, brought

Draw, drew, drawn

Learn, learnt, learnt

Do, did, done

Feed, fed, fed

Go, went, gone

Sew, sewed, sewn

Sweep, swept, swept

Sing, sang, sung

Break, broke, broken

Buy, bought, bought

See, saw, seen

Play, played, played

Make, made, made

Preform, performed, performed

Write, wrote, written

Set, set, set

Come, came, come

Stand, stood, stood

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