ГДЗ по английскому языку 6 класс. activity book Кузовлев рабочая тетрадь | Страница 42

Тип:рабочая тетрадь

Страница 42

2. Где жила подруга Элис?

1) Закончите вопросы о ее доме. Используйте there was/were.

1. were there

2. was there

3. was there

4. were there

5. were there

6. were there

7. was there

8. were there

9. were there

2) Ниже представлена информация о доме, где жила подруга Элис.

Опишите ее дом.

The house’s address is 129 High Street.

There were 4 bedrooms in the house.

There were 2 bathrooms in the house.

There was 1 living room in the house.

There was a dining room in the house.

There was a kitchen in the house.

There were 2 gardens near the house.

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