4. Ниже представлены две истории о двух детях и их неловких моментах.
Что с ними случилось? Составьте вопросы и ответы.
1. Emily was running to assembly when the rain started.
Добавить текст Вернуть оригинал2. What shoes was Emily wearing?
3. Emily was wearing her new shoes that were very big.
Добавить текст Вернуть оригинал4. Suddenly, one of her shoes flew off and she put her foot straight into the puddle.
Добавить текст Вернуть оригинал5. What were Michael and his friend doing when some girls came to talk to them?
Добавить текст Вернуть оригинал6. Michael and his friends were sitting in a tree in the park when some girls came up to talk to them.
Добавить текст Вернуть оригинал7. Michael wanted to impress them and started climbing the tree really high.
Добавить текст Вернуть оригинал8. What happened to Michael while he was climbing the tree?
Добавить текст Вернуть оригинал9. While Michael was climbing the tree he fell and ripped his jeans.
Добавить текст Вернуть оригинал10. What did the girls do?
11. All the girls were laughing and Michael’s face was as red as a tomato!
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