ГДЗ по английскому языку язык 6 класс. student's book Афанасьева Часть 1 | Страница 38

Серия:Rainbow English

Страница 38

6. Эти люди покинули свои дома днем. Сейчас вечер. Где они?

Пример: Энн все еще в банке.

1) Pete is still at the university.

2) Lucy is still in the museum.

3) Kate is still at the picture gallery.

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4) John is still in the cinema.

5) Lizzy is still at the zoo.

6) Jim is still at the circus.

7) Max is still at the theatre.

7. Расскажите о Москве.

Moscow is the capital of Russia and it is also one of the largest cities in the country. There are many beautiful green parks, museums, theatres and other places of interest, which tourists come to see in Moscow.

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The history of Moscow began in 1147. In those days, all the buildings were on the territory of the Kremlin. It stood high on the bank of the Moskva River.

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To defend Moscow from the enemies they built the first wooden wall around the Kremlin. The city grew very fast and soon new houses appeared behind the Kremlin wall. In the 14th century, they built the first stone churches and cathedrals in the Kremlin. By and by Moscow was becoming a fairly important city of Russia. The Russian tsars wanted to show their power and riches. So they started rebuilding the Kremlin again. They invited the best architects from Italy. Together with Russian builders, they turned the Kremlin into one of the most beautiful places in the world.

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Everybody in Russia knows the famous buildings and monuments situated in Red Square, the most important square of the city: St Basil's Cathedral, the History Museum, and the Kremlin. You can even listen to the Kremlin Clock there.

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There are also a lot of universities and schools in Moscow. For example, Moscow State University. There is a famous The Tretyakov Gallery, too. You can see a good collection of paintings there. Moscow Zoo is a good place for children and their parents to visit.

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8. Вставьте hear/listen, чтобы закончить предложения.

1) hear – Я слышу музыку. Что это?

2) listen – Наша учительница часто читаем нам, а мы слушаем.

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3) listen – Слушайся своих родителей, дитя.

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4) hear – В весеннем лесу мы слышим пение птиц.

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5) listen – Я пригласил своего друга послушать мои любимые диски.

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6) hear – Мой дедушка довольно старый и плохо слышит.

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