ГДЗ по английскому языку язык 6 класс. student's book Афанасьева Часть 2 | Страница 47

Серия:Rainbow English

Страница 47


6. Расскажите о:

1. Колумбе и его открытии

2. Коренных американцах

3. Нью-Йорке – самом большом городе США.

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4. Стране и ее столице.

1. Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. He was born in Italy but he lived in Spain. He was a sailor and made many sea voyages, but he was mostly interested in India. He sailed east and brought back a lot of gold. Columbus dreamed about making a voyage around the world. He decided to go west because he was sure that our planet was round. In 1492, the King and the Queen of Spain gave him money to go to India. After spending some time in his voyage, Columbus finally reached a land. He thought that it was India, and called people who lived there Indians, but he was mistaken. It was a new continent, Central America.

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2. More than 20,000 Native Americans came to the American continent from Asia. Native Americans, or Indians, lived in tribes. They lived in wooden houses, or wigwams. The tribes were very different: some grew their food, some ate the food they could find. There were also tribes of fishermen and hunters. However, Europeans took most of their land. Indians fought to defend their homes, their way of life and their culture. In the 19th century, the US government decided that Native Americans must live far away from their lands on reservations. Some of them still live on reservations, but they try to keep their traditions and their language. There are regular festivals where Indians perform their dances and play their music.

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3. New York is an important centre of American culture. It is situated in the northeast of the country and lied on some islands. Some people think that NY is the capital of the USA, but they are mistaken. New York is the largest city of the USA and it is famous for its skyscrapers, streets and avenues. For example, In Manhattan (a very important business part of the city) avenues go north and south, and most streets go east and west. There are a lot of things to see and to do in New York. Central Park is situated in Manhattan. It is a very pleasant place, a green island in the middle of a busy city. There are some lakes and ponds, two skating rinks and a Zoo there. Chinatown and Little Italy are also very interesting places to visit in Manhattan. They are famous for their restaurants with tasty food. Fifth Avenue is also popular with New Yorkers and tourists. It is famous for its shops where you can buy everything you want. The Metropolitan museum is situated on Fifth Avenue as well. The museum has a wonderful collection of paintings and it is the biggest museum in New York. Everybody knows the Statue of Liberty, the famous symbol of the USA. It stands on Liberty Island not far from New York. The statue was a present from French people to Americans. A lot of people come in boats to look at the tall statue and at New York city which you can see so well from it.

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4. The USA is a large country in North America. Its neighbour in the north is Canada and in the south its neighbour is Mexico. The USA has nearly every kind of weather. Also, it has many kinds of land - wide grasslands, rocky mountains, powerful rivers, lakes of different sizes, sandy beaches, great forests and lands of ice and snow. The highest mountains are the Rocky Mountains and the longest river is the Mississippi. More than 300 million people live in the USA. There are 50 states that make up the USA. The smallest state is Rhode Island and the biggest one is Alaska. The capital city is Washington, DC. It lies on the banks of the Potomac River. The letters D.C. mean District of Columbia. Its territory doesn't belong to any state. The USA government and its Congress are situated there.

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