ГДЗ по английскому языку язык 7 класс. student's book Афанасьева Часть 1, 2 Часть 1 | Страница 112

Часть:1, 2
Серия:Rainbow English

Страница 112

10. Запишите эти слова.

1) laugh

2) surprise

3) own

4) full

5) laughter

6) surprised

7) koala

8) emu

9) echidna

10) duckbill

11) kookaburra

12) eucalyptus

Шаг 7

1. Послушайте два стихотворения. Прочитайте их и скажите, который из них мог бы быть о Австралии.


Ложится белый снег на крыше и деревьях,

Снежинки хлопьями крадутся у окна,

Мир замер и остался неподвижным.

Сегодня Санта навестит ребят,

Одарит каждого сюрпризом,

Дорогу звезды озарят.

Канун Рождественский уходит,

И наступает Рождество!


Гимн праздника у моря тихо шепчет,

Индейка ждет у пляжного стола,

Пирог, хлопушки, колпаки

Снегов не видели нигде.

Лишь фейерверков хоровод

Освещает Рождество вокруг.

The second poem may be about Australia.

2. Скажите, что сможете, об этих австралийских птицах, животных и растениях.

1) The biggest of the fifty kinds of Australian animals is the red kangaroo. They can jump more than four metres and travel at seventy kilometres an hour. Kangaroos eat grass and leaves and live in small groups.

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2, 3) Two Australian animals, the echidna and the duckbill are really very unusual. Their babies come from eggs but drink milk from their mothers. No other animals in the world do this. The echidna eats ants, which it catches with its long fast tongue. The duckbill swims well, but it can only stay under water for some minutes.

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4) Like kangaroos, koalas have a pouch on their fronts for their babies. After six months in the pouch, baby koalas ride on their mother’s back. Koalas eat one kilo of leaves each day but drink nearly nothing. The word “koala” means “no water”. Not everybody knows that the koala only looks like a bear but in fact is a different animal.

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5, 6) There are more than eight hundred kinds of birds in Australia. The continent is the home of budgies and some kinds of parrots. They are very colourful birds. They eat seeds, worms, fruit.

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7) The emu, which is two metres tall, is the second largest bird in the world. It cannot fly, but it can run at fifty kilometres an hour.

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8) There is also the kookaburra bird. Its cry sounds like somebody’s laughter. Australians like the bird, they even made up a song about it.

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9) Eucalyptus trees, or gum trees, grow in many places in Australia. These strong trees grow very fast and do not die when there are forest fires.

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