ГДЗ английский 8 класс test booklet Тест буклет. Ваулина Optional writing

Тип:контрольные и самостоятельные
Серия:Английский в фокусе

Optional writing

Module 1

Ваш друг сломал ногу и должен оставаться дома две недели. Напишите ему открытку, чтобы пожелать ему скорейшего выздоровления. (30-40 слов)

Hi Sasha,

I am sorry that you’ve broken your leg. I hope that you will get well soon. I’ll try to bring you a homework. Don’t worry about your project, I’m sure you’ll be able to finish it when you come back to school. Feel better soon!

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All the best,


Module 2

Ниже представлена часть е-мейла, который вы получили от своего английского друга по переписке. Прочитайте е-мейл и отправьте ответ другу. Вы можете пользоваться планом ниже в качестве помощи для написания е-мейла. (120-150 слов)

Dear Sasha,

Hi! Thank you for your letter. I really appreciate it. We haven’t talked for ages. Anyway, let me tell you about my shopping habits. You asked me some questions and I’d like to answer them.

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I often do my shopping at the local supermarket. It is near my house, just in the corner of the street. There I can find anything I like: fruit, vegetables, meat, chicken, eggs, cheese, milk, cereals etc. As for eco-bazaars, there aren’t any of them in my area. I’d like to have one near my house, because eco-bazaars are awesome.

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Have to go now. I have a lot of homework to do.

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Write back soon.

Your friend,


Module 3

Ваш школьный журнал пригласил учеников принять участие в конкурсе коротких рассказов. Напишите рассказ для конкурса под заголовком «Неожиданная находка». Вы можете пользоваться планом и идеями ниже в качестве помощи. (120-180 слов).

It was a hot morning last August, when me and my friends were in the forest near the camping site. We were exploring the area. We walked into the cave and suddenly we found a treasure map. We decided to go and look for the treasure. When we reached the spot where treasure was, we found an old box with jewellery in it. We took the box to the police and they returned it to the owner. Luckily, we got 300 pounds reward. We were happy and proud of ourselves. We helped the police getting back someone’s stuff and therefore we even got a reward.

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Module 4

Вы получили письмо от английского друга по переписке, который просит у вас совета. Прочитайте отрывок из письма ниже, и напишите ответ своему другу, давая ему совет. (120-140 слов)

Dear Sasha,

I just got your letter and I really appreciate it.

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Here are a few things you could try. First of all, you should be more self-confident and don’t be afraid of making friends in your school. This will help you to believe in yourself and solve problems with your fears. Everyone does mistakes, we’re just humans. Another good idea is to visit a school psychologist. This way she can help you by using a therapy. You’ll be able to talk about all your fears.

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I hope that my advice will help you to solve your problems.

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Exit test

Вы получили письмо от англоговорящего друга по переписке, Джейсона.

Напишите ему письмо и ответьте на три его вопроса. 80-100 слов.

Dear Jason,

Thank you for your letter. I really appreciate it. Sorry, I haven’t written to you for ages.

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I’m glad you have a new fantastic teacher. As for me, a person’s appearance is not that important. My favourite teacher is an English one. She’s very kind and smart, but she has such a long chin. Anyway, it doesn’t make me laugh at her. She’s a great teacher and she’s always there for her students.

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Anyway, I have to go now.

Write back soon.

Your friend,


Module 5

Ваш учитель попросил вас написать сочинение, предлагающее соображения о том, как сократить загрязнение воздуха в больших городах. Напишите сочинение на 120-150 слов. Вы можете пользоваться планом и идеями ниже в качестве помощи.

Air pollution is a huge problem nowadays. People and the government should pay more attention on how to reduce this situation in big cities.

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One way to stop polluting air in big cities is to promote car-pooling. Instead of driving too many cars, people can use one by taking their colleagues to work, for example. As a result, there will be fewer cars on the roads and there will be fewer exhaust fumes. Another solution is that government can stop making factories near cities and filter the smoke they produce. Consequently, there will be fewer poisonous gases in the air. Finally, it would be a good idea to plant more trees or create more green areas. If this done, there will be more oxygen and less carbon dioxide in atmosphere.

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To sum up, there are many great solutions to solve this problem. People and the government should work together if we want to have a good place to live in.

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Module 6

Вы только что вернулись, гостя в доме своего друга по переписке в Англии. Напишите письмо-благодарность семье своего друга за их гостеприимство. (120-150 слов)

Dear Mr and Mrs Smith,

I am writing to thank you for your hospitality during my staying at your house.

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I appreciate your kindness and friendliness. I really loved the atmosphere in your place. I especially enjoyed the food Mrs Smith had been cooking during my presence.

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Apart from being fun, staying with you was also a useful experience for me, because I practiced my English and I learned many new things about England while we were on excursions. What helped me most was a tour we took around the country.

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Thank you once again for all the things you’ve done to me. I really hope that you could visit Russia soon. I’ll do my best to organize you a great staying in my country too.

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Best regard,


Module 7

Ваш учитель попросила вас написать сочинение за и против обучения заграницей. Вы можете пользоваться планом и идеями ниже. (120-180 слов)

Studying abroad can be an exciting experience. However, there are some arguments for and against studying abroad.

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There is no doubt that people who study in another country gain some benefits. First of all, they can meet new people and practice language communicating with them. For instance, they can learn about new culture, traditions and try another food.

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However, studying abroad can cost much money and for some people it may be too expensive. One drawback is that you can get homesick. For example, you can stuck with problems of making new friends. Another disadvantage, is that you’ll probably feel lonely.

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All things considered, studying abroad is not for everyone. Sociable and well-paid people won’t have any problems studying abroad. But if you shy and you don’t have enough money, studying abroad won’t be a good idea for you.

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Module 8

Вы только что увидели рекламу в местной газете. Напишите е-мейл Ленни Прайс, прося больше информации. Вы можете пользоваться планом ниже. (120-150 слов)

Dear Mr Price,

I am writing to ask you for more information about European Football Camp.

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First of all, I’d like to know about the age. How old must be boys and girls to join your camp? Moreover, what’s the exact cost of staying at the camp? And what kind of accommodation do you provide? Finally, what equipment is required?

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Thank you for answering to my e-mail in advance.

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Yours sincerely,


Exit test

Вы получили письмо от своего англоговорящего друга по переписке, Джона.

Напишите ему письмо и ответьте на три его вопроса. 80-100 слов.

Dear John,

Thank you for your letter. Sorry, I haven’t written to you for ages.

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I’m glad you’ve decided to learn how to play tennis. I don’t play tennis, but I’m fond of playing football. It is my favourite sport. I don’t play it quite often, but I try my best to play football at least two times a week. I go to the sport center. They have a really great football pitch. Also, I’d like to learn how to play basketball. My best friend plays it very well. He even won some gold medals at the local basketball competitions.

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Anyway, I have to go now.

Write back soon.

Your friend,


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