ГДЗ по английскому языку 9 класс Кузовлев рабочая тетрадь | Страница 48

Тип:рабочая тетрадь

Страница 48

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1. Вот что московские подростки думают о журнале «ТВ парк» и о телевизионных сериалах в России. Переведите, что они говорят, на английский. Используйте глаголы отчетности, которые будут подходить по смыслу. (сказать, пожаловаться, предложить, добавить, посоветовать, согласиться, сожалеть)

0. Vadim said that there should be more programmes for teenagers

1. Angelina advised to show more series and fashion and style programmes

2. Polina suggested that there should be less advertising and low-level reality shows

3. Kostya said that he loved watching TV. He added that he even watched commercials. He agreed that it should be left as it was

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4. Olga said that there was no necessity to remove advertising. She added that they needed to know what to buy

5. Dasha insisted that cigarettes and alcohol promotional videos and bad language should be prohibited even at night

6. Volodya suggested that more informative programmes and historical series should be showed. He added that criminal series should be prohibited during prime time

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7. Dima advised to show more feature films about war and documentaries about our country’s history

8. Katya complained that there was nothing to watch on TV. She said that she switched on only musical channels. She added that she might not watch but listen and do her homework.

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