ГДЗ по английскому 5 класс. spotlight 5: workbook Ваулина рабочая тетрадь | Страница 60

Тип:рабочая тетрадь
Серия:Английский в фокусе

Страница 60


1. Заполните пропуски.

1. box

2. loaf

3. bottle

4. carton

5. bowl

6. glass

2. Вставьте продукты или напитки.

Breakfast: a cup of tea/coffee, a toast with jam, a bowl of cereal

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Lunch: a sandwich, an apple, a glass of juice, a bowl of soup

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Dinner: beef/chicken, a bowl of rice, vegetables

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3. Прочитайте текст и закончите пропуски, вставляя верное слово.






4. Задайте вопросы, используя how much/how many. Затем ответьте на них. Используйте not much/not many.

2. How many apples are there in the fridge? - Not many.

3. How many eggs are there in the fridge? - Not many.

4. How much sugar is there in the pot? - Not much.

5. How much milk is there in the fridge? - Not much.

6. How many biscuits are there in the box? - Not many.

5. Заполните пропуски.

1. some

2. much

3. many

1. some

2. many

3. some

4. any

5. some

6. many

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