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  • BBC 1 and BBC 2 give the viewer a wide choice of programmes and are watched by 94 per cent of the UK population.

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  • BBC 1 broadcasts news programmes, feature films, serials, political debate, sport and business programmes, high quality entertainment for children, documentary films and other educational programmes.

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  • BBC 2 transmits scientific and educational programmes about literature, art and history; documentary films, serials for teenagers and cartoons. BBC 2 also provides business news, educational and political programmes, shows on crime, sport, cookery, gardening, comedy shows, and intellectual games.

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  • BBC 3 is a channel for original UK comedy, drama and music as well as art and educational programmes. BBC 4 is based around art, music and debate.

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  • BBC 2 transmits scientific and educational programmes about literature, art and history; documentary films, serials for teenagers and cartoons. BBC 1 broadcasts news programmes, feature films, serials, political debate, sport and business programmes, high quality entertainment for children.

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  • There are three commercial television services: ITV (Channel 3), Channel 4 and Channel 5.

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  • Channel 4 broadcasts programmes from independent producers and formats of different TV programmes from overseas. In Wales, on Channel 4, S4C broadcasts some Welsh language programmes. In Scotland, Gaelic television makes a wide range of quality programmes in Gaelic.

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  • Channel 5 is the UK’s newest national channel.

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