Решебник по английскому языку язык 9 класс Кузовлев | Страница 34


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2) Сравните карту и рассказ о музыкальной Великобритании. Ответьте на вопросы.

3) В тексте, найдите предложения, которые означают следующее:

- Великобритания известна множеством различных музыкальных жанров.

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- Некоторые люди считают, что звуки волынки не очень приятно слушать.

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- Эдинбургский фестиваль проводится каждый год.

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- Валлийские поэты, писавшие о любви, были известны еще в старые времена.

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- Многие люди предпочитают легко запоминающуюся музыку.

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- В лондонских оперных театрах и концертных залах, лучшие дирижеры выступают с лучшими оркестрами классической музыки.

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- Рок-оперы, написанные Эндрю Ллойдом Уэббером, всегда пользуются большим успехом во многих мировых театрах.

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- Большинство рок-опер Эндрю Ллойда Уэббера сначала исполняются в Лондоне.

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- Britain is famous not only for its rock groups and rock singers, but also for its long and strong traditions of folk and classical music. As well as this, you can listen to country music, jazz or spirituals that came from America.

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- In Scotland that is in the north of Britain the national instrument is the bagpipe. The bagpipe music is the most exciting to the Scots though some people outside Britain think it is tuneless.

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- The Edinburgh festival is an annual festival of music and drama, it is held every summer.

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- Welsh romantic and sentimental bards were known even to the ancient world.

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- Many people who don’t understand complicated music like their catchy tunes.

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- London is famous for its opera houses and concert halls where great musicians conduct the best symphony orchestras.

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- Andrew Lloyd Webber’s rock operas or musicals are staged in many parts of the world; they are always played to full houses.

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- The first nights of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s famous rock operas often take place in London theatres where every seat is usually taken.

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4) В тексте, найдите предложения с именами собственными или географическими названиями. Объясните, почему мы употребляем или не употребляем артикли в этих предложениях.

(a country, no article) Britain is famous not only for its rock groups and rock singers but also for its long and strong traditions of folk and classical music. As well as this, you can listen to country music, jazz or spirituals that came from America (a country, no article).

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In Scotland (a country, no article) that is in the north of Britain the national instrument is the bagpipe. But for centuries, up to the First World War (there is only one war with this name, so we use the), Scottish (the name of nation, we use the) pipers encouraged their soldiers by playing their music at battles. Here is Edinburgh (a town, no article), the capital of Scotland.

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They still meet every year at the Eisteddfod (the festival’s name). And in Wales (a town) you can find the best choirs and the best choral music.

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The north of England (a country) is sometimes called “the land of the brass bands”.

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Aldeburgh (a town) is a small town in the south of England where the famous British (the nation) composer, conductor and pianist Benjamin Britten (a personal name) lived.

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London (a town) is famous for its opera houses and concert halls where great musicians conduct the best symphony orchestras... In London Henry Purcell (a personal name), a great British composer, lived. His opera Dido and Aeneas (an opera’s name) is considered the first British classical opera. Andrew Lloyd Webber’s (a personal name) rock operas or musicals are staged…

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5) К каким музыкальным жанрам относятся отрывки?

1. the bagpipe music

2. country music

3. opera music

4. rock-n-roll music

5. jazz music

6. classical music

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