ГДЗ по математике 5 класс Ерина Виленкин рабочая тетрадь Часть 1, 2 Часть 2 | Страница 5

Тип:рабочая тетрадь
Часть:1, 2
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Страница 5

\[Стр.\ 5.\]


A circle with a triangle and a triangle with a triangle and a triangle with a triangle and a triangle with a triangle and a triangle with a triangle and a triangle with a triangle and a triangle with Description automatically generated


A circle with dots and circles Description automatically generated


\[AO = r = 3\ см.\]

A diagram of a circle with letters and numbers Description automatically generated

\[Точка\ \] \[Расстояние\ до\ точки\ \text{O\ }в\ мм\]
\[C\] \[27\]
\[D\] \[26\]
\[F\] \[28\]
\[B\] \[14\]
\[E\] \[27\]
\[K\] \[21\]


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